On Thursday, May 30th, I got a call when I was just about back to work saying that they wanted me to come back in for my 3rd glucose test because Baby Speiser is measuring big an they wanted to make sure they didn't miss something. I thought, Okay this shouldn't be a big deal I passed the first two I will pass this one as well, and I agreed I would come in today, Monday. Then at about 4:50 pm I got a call saying my CBC test came back and everything looked fine.
Friday comes, end of month at work and my last day, the day was going fine and I actually got someone to cover for me so I could finish everything for Heather's Surprise baby shower. I had a missed call at 4:57 pm so I called the doctor office back right away(5:01 pm) and the on-call nurse/doctor had called to say that I have "Polyhydramnios" which is excessive amniotic fluid and that they want me to come in ASAP on Monday.
After researching this is what we found out:
**This happens in about 1% of pregnancies.
**What could be causing this problem?: Maternal Diabetes, Carrying twins or multiples, Genetic Abnormalities, Fetal Abnormalities, Fetal Anemia.
**What will happen if I'm diagnosed with polyhydramnios?: "If you're diagnosed with polyhydramnios, your practitioner will order a high-resolution ultrasound to check for abnormalities and possibly amniocentesis to test for a genetic defect.
You'll also need to have regular nonstress tests or ultrasounds for the rest of your pregnancy to monitor your baby's development. And you'll be watched closely for signs ofpreterm labor. If you haven't yet been tested for gestational diabetes, you'll be tested now.
You'll be monitored carefully during labor as well. Because of the extra amniotic fluid, there's a greater risk of an umbilical cord prolapse (when the cord falls through the cervical opening) or a placental abruption when your water breaks. Both require an immediate c-section.
That's why your caregiver will have you come to the hospital early in labor – or right away if your water breaks before you go into labor. Postpartum bleeding is more likely as well, because your overly distended uterus may not be able to contract well, so you'll be watched closely after you give birth, too." - this is what we found at the link listed below.
So after praying about it all weekend trying to not stress out or think about it today has come, it's time for both my glucose test and our appointment. The nurse came in confused why we were there today and not on Thursday I explained the on-call nurse called and said we had to come in. Then our doctor comes in apologizing saying that they weren't VERY worried about the extra fluid at this point, the only thing they are worried about is me being diabetic. That is why they called and told me to do the glucose test. She also told me that my Group B test that they did on Thursday was Negative so that was another JOY!
It was still a scare, being 36 weeks and not having any complications until this, prayers helped a lot though. Now we are praying that my glucose test comes back negative for the 3rd time(we won't know that until tomorrow). However she did say she doesn't know if I will make it to 40 weeks just because of how big he is measuring and especially with this extra fluid. We packed the diaper bag as soon as we got it, and now it's time to pack my bag just in case. It is crazy to think that in less the 4 weeks we will have a baby here!
Also today at the doctor apt baby's heart rate is 150 and my belly is still measuring 39cm!
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