Saturday, May 18, 2013

Needing to be THANKFUL more

I have realized that I have been stressed a lot and not thankful for what God has given meet. Early this week at work in our daily announcements was this quote,

"Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your JOYS" - Rita Schiano

This is so true, I have caught myself many of times just complaining or being ungrateful about the little things in life and getting emotional over things I should just let go. Such as people talking money from our checking, getting upset about our crib, and not really having family that supports us and is there for us during our pregnancy, this has been a huge one, not that family isn't happy for us, but that no one(other then my sister) asks how baby and I are doing or cares about any of our appointments or anything. But that's not the point of this post, that just makes me emotional. 

Point of post: Things I am thankful for(just a few!)
-- I am thankful for a healthy a good pregnancy. I have had no complications yet and am still sleeping good for the most part(waking up 1-2 times a night to go to the bathroom!) I can still get up and down from the ground pretty good and I still have quite a bit of energy. 
-- I am thankful for my amazing husband. So might say he is lazy or doesn't like to do stuff, but who isn't, at the end of the day he does everything he can to make me happy. I'm not sure the last time I cooked or did laundry because he does it all. And it's not always about the big things but just the emotional support I have from him. 
-- I am thankful for my sister, for caring about our pregnancy and being there for us. 
-- I am thankful for our friends who are there that support us as well and care about what is going on in our life. But especially Nicole, who I can call and talk to anytime, if it wasn't for her some of my emotional mornings would have turned into the whole day! She always has the perfect thing to say!
-- I am thankful for everything God has given us, our house and car, money to make it by even though sometimes it seems really hard and we aren't going to make it. I have realized that God doesn't throw anything at us that he can't get us through. 
-- I am thankful for my job, even though I am done in 2 weeks I am happy I have met the people I work with. It has been a big stress but God WILL get us through it and I just have to keep telling myself that.

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