How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain: 30 lbs
Maternity clothes? Maternity Jeans/Dress Pants, Maternity Shirts for work, Faith Lutheran Daycare Shirts, Matt's Shirts/Shorts for lazy days!
Stretch marks? MANY!
Sleep: Sleeping okay, back is starting to hurt and starting to get uncomfortable, getting up 3-4 times a night to go to the bathroom!
Best moment this week: Sleeping in on Monday
Miss Anything? When getting out of bed was easy, now with this big belly it's harder and harder ;)
Movement: Baby moves a lot, lately it is more when we are laying in bed
Food cravings: Still oreos but haven't had any lately
Supplements: Iron pill for my low iron and prenatal vitamins
Gender prediction: BOY! I hope so since ultra sounds have said so!!
Have you started to show yet: YES! Very big! :)
Labor Signs: Little Braxon Hicks
Symptoms: Back hurts a little when I'm laying in bed
Belly Button in or out? Belly Button is IN!
Wedding rings on or off? Rings are ON, barely! Fingers are getting very swollen
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm happy for the most part!
Looking forward to: Meeting our little guy! :)
Extra: Had an ultra sound yesterday and he has dropped! His heart rate is 152 and he is weighing about 7lbs 15oz and my belly is measuring 39cm.