Well now that most of our close friends know, I can at least BLOG about it!!...We are pregnant and due June 25, 2013!!! We are also VERY excited about this!! :)) Last Sunday(10/21/12) we had to go to Wal-Mart to get a few things and we decided to pick up some pregnancy test because we were out(we have been trying!)...we got home and the first thing I did was take the test, before the 3 minutes was up Matt came running into the bathroom and asked what was going on! He saw the two lines appear and said "what does two lines mean?!" then he read and realized it meant we are PREGNANT!! We are very excited about this and so is family & friends. We ask that if you are reading this you don't post anything on facebook just yet! We are 6 weeks today, according to the blood work I did last week, we have our first ultrasound this Friday(11/2/12) where we should get to hear/see the heartbeat and our little "pea" :)) We can't wait for Spesier Baby #1 to come! :))
Me trying to do the heart picture...didn't turn out so good!
The test! :))
YAHOOOOOOO SOOOOO excited to be an auntie and very happy for you and Matt! You will be awesome parents !