James 4:10 - Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor. • Today's Life Verse from Life 96.5 •
Both pregnancies my iron levels have been low, but this pregnancy my levels are really low. I was told at around 30 weeks that if I didn't get my levels up I would need to go to the cancer institute to get infusions done. My emotions got the best of me, I'm pregnant bringing a new life into this world, and I have to go sit next to other people who are having chemo done and are struggling to hold onto life - how is this fair? I couldn't wrap my head around it, I didn't want to do this. I started to research and find what I could do to raise my iron levels.
** Young Living - NingXia Red ** Young Living - Super B ** Young Living MultiGreens ** vitafusion PreNatal ** Nature's Sunshine I-X ** Prescribed Iron Pill ** this was my morning routine of what I would take. It all made me feel better, I wasn't light headed anymore and I had more energy. My iron levels increased but not by much - as my dad said it's probably more the unhealthy food I was putting in my body that was making my iron levels not improve.
At my 38 week appointment on Tuesday I found out we would have to go along with the infusions, I was emotional before my appointment and even more emotional when I found out that I would need to get the infusions. But I have a very good doctor who only looks out for the best for me so I knew this is what God wants, it's going to keep me and the baby healthy for when the baby arrives. Matt was allowed to come with me so that was great.
Woke up and read the life verse for today and it was so fitting, I just needed to humble myself to the Lord and quit worrying. We walked into the Avera Cancer Institute and everyone was so incredibly friendly. They took me to a private room(totally different than I thought - praise the Lord) and Matt by my side I got through my first day of infusions.
I am so grateful to have an amazing supportive husband and friends who have been praying for me and my pregnancy.
PS I'm not sure if you caught it or not but yes, 38 weeks pregnant as of yesterday, 2 weeks until baby is here -- ummm....will time slow down before then because I know it won't slow down after baby comes!!!