Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Remiger

Ashley got married this weekend!! Woo hoo!! What a fun weekend!! It was a blast!! The bride was beautiful and the groom was stunning!! The wedding party was so much fun! All in all what a awesome weekend!!
 Matt & I
The beautiful bride & I

Friday, September 28, 2012

Aubrey Maria Lane

Nicole & Codie finally had baby Aubrey!! She was born 9/20/12 at 3:03pm and was 8lbs 4oz and 20.5 inches long. She is beautiful!! She gives us baby fever, but when that time comes, it comes!! 

Tricia, Cory & I with baby Aubrey! 
Aubrey one week old! 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fall Time!

We have finally been able to get our couches moved in, by taking them apart screw by screw and the putting them back together inside! After we got done with that we decorated outside!! It was a fun relaxing weekend at home!! 

 I love fall! 
And our couches!! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kidz Klubhouse

We passed our inspection and Kidz Klubhouse is officially opening! We are so excited, we got licensed at a C2 License!! We have 3 families lined up! Here are some pictures of what the daycare room looks like! 
 Baby Area/Reading Corner/Kitchen
 Table, Cubbies, Books, Dress Up, Supplies
 Map, Art Display, Cork Board.
Books & Dress Up 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Parents Are Gone

After years of hearing my parents say they wanted to move back to Pennsylvania it finally has happened. It hurt so much to see them go but I know that they are happy there! It was  so frightening knowing are we going to be okay, what if I need help with something around the house. All I know is at least they are only a phone call away and 20 hour drive. We threw them a surprise going away party and they were definitely surprised!! 
 Off they go..
 All packed up and leaving..
Their going away party! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Twin Cities/Valleyfair

We decided to have a getaway weekend with friends for Labor Day!! We went up to the cities on Saturday with Cory & Tricia! We checked into our hotel, then went shopping at MOA and had supper at Hooters(yuck! our food was bad and our waitress was TERRIBLE!!) Sunday we went to Valleyfair...Matt's first time on rides in years!! It was a blast! Matt's favorite ride is the Wild Thing, we are meant for each other ;) Brianna & Jeremy met us at valleyfair and it was a blast!! On our way home, Tricia & Cory dropped us off with Steve & Kathy in Granite Falls and we went out for supper at Duffy's followed by a stop at the casino!! 

 All in the back seat! 
 On the Wild Thing! 
 About to go on for the 2nd time! 
 Cory with his pizza hat!
 BFF :))
All of us!!